Supercharge your website and save 20% on your marketing budget

Marketing Efficiency Platform

Speed up your site, unlock true analytics, get GDPR compliant in minutes while saving your marketing budget by resolving click-fraud.

Start in Seconds - Free!
*No credit card required!
Element54 connects to 100+ analytics and ads network.

Join the successful companies using solutions like Element 54

Element 54 - Key Features

E54 is built on three pillars: Comet, Dome and Gamma-Ray Burst

Capture all your required analytics with 1 code

Element 54 can push your analytics to all your advertising partners without slowing down your site. Replace the 30+ JavaScripts scripts with our single beacon technology instantly.

Increase the speed of your website, bypass ad blockers and get true analytics in minutes.
With our single beacon technology, we can bypass most ad blockers on the market and get you additional 20% analytics to help you recover revenue loss.

Explore Comet

Compatible with every website

We support your entire stack of third-party tools. Use our universal code to push your analytics to your advertising network partners.

Dramatic speed increase
2-5 sec faster

Each 0.5 seconds page load time reduces revenue by 7%.

Get through ad blockers


more visitor analytics

Recover revenue loss linked with ad blocker visitors.

Cookie consent solution

Element 54 can handle your cookie consent and manage your third party integrations at once. GDPR proof your site in under 15 minutes.

E54 provides feature rich cookie banners and records user consent to make your site GDPR/CCPA compliant.

E54 prevents any third party scripts from collecting information prior to your visitor consent.

Explore Dome
Multi-language & responsive design

Fully customisable, responsive and multi-language.

Growing GDPR fines
359+M € fines

SEO experts agree
that speed matters to
your site visibility

Compliance in minutes


of sites have visitors tracking compliance issues

Stop harmful traffic from wasting your marketing budget

Element54 AI driven blocklisting analyses millions of signals each day to identify fraudulent actors.

Achieve lower CPC - Element 54 Gamma-Ray Burst will save your ads budget from being wasted on bots, click farms, competitors and other fraudulent actors trying to harm your business.

Explore Gamma
Compatible with Google Adwords & Facebook Ads Manager

We support small marketing team to large scale agencies in their effort to make the best of their marketing budget

Clickfraud cost you money
~ $705,000/Y

Average yearly losses due to click fraud to SME+

Savings in the 1st month


paid marketing saved

Our clients experience between 17% and 31% of marketing budget saved while using Element 54.

Plans for everyone

Simple pricing that grows with you. 14 days trial with no credit card required.


$69  / per month

100 000 pageviews / month
Ideal to support your growing marketing efforts
What’s Included
Comet – Unlimited connectors
Dome – GDPR/CCPA consent
Get Started


$499  / per month

300 000 pageviews / month
Necessary for strong marketing & DevOps teams
What’s Included
Comet – Unlimited connectors
Comet – First party cookie technology
Dome – GDPR/CCPA consent
GRB – Click-fraud AI (Beta)
Start 14-day trial


$1299  / per month

1 000 000 pageviews / month
Unleash the power of your team
What’s Included
Full access to all Professional features
Custom Analytics
Dedicated account manager
Get Started

Once you've reached your limit, E54 will charge you 10$ for every additional 1 000 page views. E54 will email you when you reach 80% of your monthly page views limit and when you reach your monthly page views limit.